Quotes and Quips

To learn about "The Main Thing", go to and scroll down to the third sermin. This is a sermon by one of my Pastor/Mentor friends, Cleve Bishop. It's very GOoD

"Prayer is .....a mine which is never is a root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessings. Chrysostom It is also a pleasing aroma to our GOD.

*One of the saddest things to hear is a Christian saying he or she doesn't know whether or not they will go to heaven.*

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will straighten your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the person I can; and the wisdom to know it's me!

Called Magazine's issue today reads: "Our Greatest Ministerial Tool! Our attitude is our greatest ministerial tool. It has the power to win people to Christ, or turn them away. For example- Once when the missionary E.S.Jones met with Mahatma Gandhi he asked him, "Mr Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why do you appear to so adamantly reject becoming his follower?" Gandhi replied, "Oh, I don't reject your Christ. I love your Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ." As a result, Gandhi became one of the greatest Hindu leaders of all time. If some Christians had a different attitude, maybe he could have been a mighty force for the Kingdom of God. So let's not point fingers. Instead let's ask ourselves, "What's my attitude?" (check out daily.

Books, Music, and More

  • Everything by Beth Moore
  • Travis Cottrell's songs are a new blessing for me.
  • Jan Karon's characters are so life-like and draws tears of laughter and sorrow in her wonderful stories of faith.
  • Francine Rivers is wonderful too at weaving Bible characters into contexts of history.
  • Karen Kingsbury brings God's Presence, Steadfastness, and immeasurable Grace into everything she writes.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

On rules, guilt, and atonement

When I think about the rules and regulations in God’s Word, i.e. Lev, etc. , and the rites of sacrifice and atonement specificities, I feel overwhelmed.  Each type of sin required a specific animal, to be prepared in a specific way, by the sinner and the priest.  Even unintentional, accidental, and unknowingly committed sins pronounced the person guilty. 
Then, thinking of the many more tools and pathways to sin that we have today: internet, cell phone, tv, entertainment choices, games played, what/how we chose to eat or drink, types of work we do, things we think about….. are so much more available and vast.  Just think how busy we’d be and how many animals would lose their lives on a daily basis because of us/me IF Jesus had not died and risen to atone for my/our sins!
That doesn’t include how we would perceive one another with much more judgment and condemnation than we do already--- because we would be responsible for confronting the sin and the sinner as a family, a community.   Ugh!  That’s a frightful responsibility!  (Following this thought deserves much deeper and fuller pursuit because we are indeed responsible in the body of our Lord, but that’s for another time.) 

Jesus paid for all of that: all of our sins- known and unknown, with His sacrifice and fulfillment of all the rules and duties and the darkness of separation from the Father and all that is good, through His life, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. 

Now, how do I/we respond to our sins typically?  Sometimes honestly and remorsefully and with gratitude for God’s grace….. Sometimes sloughing off with a “my bad”….sometimes completely thoughtless and uncaring of Jesus WONDROUS GIFT!
My/our sins are no less detestable today than sin was before Jesus came to the earth.  God still hates them.  In our blasé acceptance of God’s Grace, have we forgotten how rotten we are at time?  Are we forgetting to be remorseful, to repent, to appreciate what God and Jesus have and are doing for us on a daily basis by forgiving our sins?  I’m guilty.  I am so sorry LORD for taking Your love, Your sacrifice, Your hard work for granted.  Help me to recognize and repent and Your love and will deserve.
In His Most Precious Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. great blog sis, I am so glad God's grace abounds and equally glad we don't live in the times of the Israelites as I would have been stoned a long time ago. Thank you for this inspiration.
